Visit My Virtual Home Viewings Exhibition This Christmas!


With all that's going on right now, it's not the easiest to find things to do over the holidays, don't you think? Gaaah! I do have one idea for you though (although I might be a little biased!) - have you visited my online exhibition at the Swedish Design Museum yet? In case you missed it, the Home Viewing Exhibition is a celebration of everyday Swedish design and architecture - shown through a selection of real homes. Last year, I ran a series of real open home viewings across Sweden. And now, I invite you to virtually discover these handpicked homes online. 

Here are a few of my favourites:  

Funkis Townhouse

This functionalist-style townhouse in Stockholm was designed by modernist architect Paul Hedqvist. Built in the late 20s / early 30s, it features many if the common characteristics of Nordic 'funks' architecture such as simplicity, flat roofing, light-filled rooms. Take the full tour here

Former Railway Station

The final departure from Norra Vram station was in 1966. Now this lovely yellow and brick building, which belongs to the first generation off iconic Skåne railway stations has been carefully modernised into a beautiful home. Take the tour here

Bohuslän Summer Cottage

Built in 1909, this former farm in Bohuslän on Sweden's west coast has become a charming costal summer cottage. The pretty farmhouse near the picturesque fishing village of Mollösund (which I have visited many times by boat and features in my Swedish west coast island guide) bears many of the signature architectural characteristics of the region and a perfect spot from which to wile away a summer. Take the tour here

Feel like seeing a few more homes? Pour yourself a coffee (make it extra strong to get into the Scandi spirit), put up your feet and click here

I hope you enjoy the exhibition as much as I did curating it! 


Photo credits: 1. Tim Bohman / Fastighetsbyrån 2. Mattias Hallestrand / Diakrit / Fastighetsbyrån 3. Fredrik Ahlbäck / Valvet 4. Mattias  Vogel / Skeppsholmen Sotheby's

*It was an honour to be curate this exhibition and promote it as part of a paid partnership with Visit Sweden. 


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